Lexington, Kentucky – SuperCollider 2024 brought together KY NSF EPSCoR participants from across the commonwealth in February for project updates, collaboration, and student poster presentations. There were 78 attendees, with 39 student posters presented. As the KAMPERS project heads into its final year, SuperCollider continues to be KY NSF EPSCoR’s largest and most comprehensive meeting and student presentation opportunity. Congratulations to our poster presentation winners!

UG Poster Winners:
- Samuel Haugen – Versatile p-Type and n-Type Polymer Fibers and Non-Wovens: Wet-Spinning to Next-Gen Device Applications
- Ruchik Mishra – Real-time Biomedical Data as a Shaper of Robot Behavior in Human-Robot Interaction
- Jerrin Redmon – OctoCan 3.0: Development of an adaptive sensor supporting electronics
MS Poster Winners:
- Jordan Dowdy – Tactile Robotic Skin on Structural Electronic Handle for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
- Tyler Ward – Machine Learning Models for Condition-Based Maintenance with Regular Truncated Signals
- Jacob Cecil Jones – C.A.R.L. Cerebral Actuated Robotic Limb
PhD Poster Winners:
- Ali Ashary – Multi-Joint Adaptive Motion Imitation in Robot-Assisted Physiotherapy with Dynamic Time Wrapping and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Md Tawabur Rahman – Inkjet-printed gold nanoparticle inks for electrochemical sensors
- Eve Aldridge – Optimization of Oligo and Triarylamine side groups in Organic Mixed Ionic Electron Transporting Small Molecules (OMIEC)
- Jason Stallings – Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Polymers for 3D Printing
- Nicolas Kosanovic – Rich Tactile Feedback for Robotic Hand Telepresence
Poster Judges:
- Yash Chitalia
- Kenneth Graham
- Ruoshi Zhang
- Shahnawaz Rather
- Andriy Sherehiy
- Cathleen Webb
- Eric Wooldridge
- Douglas Jackson
- Karl Thorley
- Gosia Chwatko
- Tommy Roussel
- Alireza Tofangchi