Sowing the Seeds of Scientific Discovery
Research Awards offer seed-funding for novel manufacturing research projects at any of Kentucky’s Primarily Undergraduate Institutions. RA research projects have the potential to be competitive future proposals submitted directly to the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Seed funding for future NSF success.
Up to $50,000
Faculty seed funding
TWO Awarded Annually
Future NSF proposal required
New Hire Support
Submission of a future research proposal application to the National Science Foundation is an obligation of RA awardees.
Institutional F&A costs are not supported by NSF EPSCoR seed-funding programs. Only direct costs can be proposed.
Any proposal submitted to KY NSF EPSCoR and declined for funding can be modified and resubmitted the next year (program cycle) but if declined more than once, can’t be submitted again.
University of Kentucky and University of Louisville faculty cannot apply.
Please be advised that if awarded, a certification of completion of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for all of the aforementioned students, consistent with the sub-awarded institution’s policies, will need to be provided to KY NSF EPSCoR (jeff.mossey@uky.edu) before a subcontracted award can be fully executed.
All KY NSF EPSCoR awardees and funded participants are obligated to complete a Seed Funding Annual Awards Outcomes Report available on our website http://kynsfepscor.uky.edu/reporting/