Connecting Students with Successful Science and Tech Companies in Kentucky

The EPSCoR Internship Program supports hands-on learning experiences for Kentucky STEM students, while also providing a valuable workforce pipeline to Advanced Manufacturing companies across the Commonwealth.

We work to kickstart STEM careers.

KY NSF EPSCoR provides financial support for Kentucky postsecondary students to sponsor their internship experience with science and tech companies with an operating presence in Kentucky.

Hands-on experience

8-16 week internships

Focused on undergrads


Proposals for the 2022 EI Program will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. ET, 6/27/2022. Void where prohibited.


Request for Proposals


Deadline for Proposals


Funding Decisions

A suggested internship pay rate is $15 per hour but may need to be adjusted for institutional equity commensurate with applicant experience. The internship can support up to sixteen weeks at full-time effort (40 hours per week).

Interns must identified by the hosting company and be in good standing at an accredited Kentucky institution of higher learning at the time of submission. Undergraduate and Graduate students welcome.

KY NSF EPSCoR requires the use of standardized template forms for all sections of submitted proposals. You can download the EI templates on this page.

Proposals should be submitted to KY NSF EPSCoR Program Administrator as a PDF file that merges all the application documents within a single file no larger than 25MB. A complete proposal for funding includes a cover sheet, internship timeline, project description for each intern, a Responsible Conduct of Research training plan, documentation of current and pending support, PI’s biosketch and participants’ resumes, a projected budget and budget justification.

Each institution that applies for financial assistance from KY NSF EPSCoR must have a formal institutional plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers participating in the proposed project. KY NSF EPSCoR must receive verification and notification that participants on supported project have received appropriate training consistent with their established institutional policies.

Restrictions apply. Foreign travel; Requests for computers; and SWAG items cannot be proposed.

Any proposal submitted to KY NSF EPSCoR and declined for funding can be modified and resubmitted for the next program cycle but if declined more than once, should not be submitted again.

All KY NSF EPSCoR awardees and funded participants are obligated to complete a Seed Funding Annual Awards Outcomes Report available on our website

Project proposals should be submitted electronically as a single, merged PDF document to