Extending Science and Technology Education Across Kentucky
We provide support funding for individuals and organizations across the state seeking to engage students and citizens in Climate Resilience STEM topics through Education, Outreach, and Communication.
Help spread the message of STEM!
Kentucky NSF EPSCoR provides funding to support STEM education, outreach and communication events and activities across the state.
$10,000 max request
K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate
Institutional F&A costs are not supported by NSF EPSCoR seed-funding programs.
Any proposal submitted to KY NSF EPSCoR and declined for funding can be modified and resubmitted the next year (program cycle) but if declined more than once, can’t be submitted again.
Please be advised that if awarded, a certification of completion of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for all of the aforementioned students, consistent with the sub-awarded institution’s policies, will need to be provided to KY NSF EPSCoR (jeff.mossey@uky.edu) before a subcontracted award can be fully executed.
All KY NSF EPSCoR awardees and funded participants are obligated to complete a Seed Funding Annual Awards Outcomes Report available on our website http://kynsfepscor.uky.edu/reporting/